Panel at Anime Overdose
One of the Most Potent Forces
in the Digital Delivery of Art and Anime
Leads Panel at Anime Overdose
San Francisco – March 5, 2005
One of the Most Potent Forces
in the Digital Delivery of Art and Anime
Leads Panel at Anime Overdose
San Francisco – March 5, 2005
LOS ANGELES (February 23, 2005) – Anime is one of the fastest growing communities on, home to the largest group of artists in the world. The organizers of Anime Overdose have recruited company CEO Angelo Sotira and other representatives of the art community website for a special panel at the convention held on the first weekend in March. is a tour de force in the online art world, with nearly 1.3 million artists submitting to the site. deviantART Director of Artist Relations Eric Kolb, Anime Gallery Director Allison Carmichael and the 24-year-old co-founder Sotira will lead a panel on the role on anime and fan art on the extremely popular website on March 5 at 10 am at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway in San Francisco.
“deviantART is a goldmine of talented anime artists, and a largely untapped resource, which is starting to change. You will see mainstream players in the anime world coming from deviantART in the near future,” said Sotira.
deviantART hosts more than 10 million pieces of art and receives nearly 13 million pageviews a day, with numbers growing rapidly each week. The website is the most potent force in the digital delivery of art and will bring the brightest minds in art and technology together for the first annual deviantART Summit at the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica in June 2005. Details are available at