Mobile Phone Comic-books Launched
Mobile Phone Comic-books Launched
London, UK - June 7th 2004. A revolution in mobile phone entertainment has been launched which allows users to download interactive comic-books to their handsets.
The new technology, from fledgling net publishing firm iComic Press, also provides the tools for artists to create and upload their own work.
The brainchild of experienced game developer and programmer Adam Priest, it takes phone content a Giant Step further.
Users simply log on to the iComic Press website or choose a story they want through their Wap browser and fire off a text message.
Within minutes, they receive a message to their phone with a link to the comic-book. At just 1.50 UKP per comic, paid for through SMS billing, it is cheap, quick and easy to use.
Once installed, it can be read anytime, anywhere, without needing a signal, so favourite stories can be enjoyed on the Tube or in the bath.
Artists who want to write and edit their own stories and pictures can do so online using the custom Java comic-book engine in a webpage in their normal browser.
Adam, 31, said: "It was just conceived as a way of giving myself something to read while I wait for the bus. Something to fill those five-minute lulls in life.
That's also why I opened it up for everybody to write with. It'd be really dull constantly reading my own comics because I'd know how they end. With the tools open I can read someone elses
The idea is to encourage bedroom artists, students and the disenfranchised to publish their own artwork and build a community of artists developing their own grassroots way to notoriety.
I don't know of anyone who is publishing comic-books for mobiles, let alone opening up their development tools so the public can create their own. We are publishing these independent stories in a similar way to underground print comic-book publishers.
Nine months in the making, the system uses Java applets to create the comic-books, which are reproduced as Java midlets on mobile handsets. The system is compatible with many handsets and the editing software runs on PC, Mac and Unix systems.
London, UK - June 7th 2004. A revolution in mobile phone entertainment has been launched which allows users to download interactive comic-books to their handsets.
The new technology, from fledgling net publishing firm iComic Press, also provides the tools for artists to create and upload their own work.
The brainchild of experienced game developer and programmer Adam Priest, it takes phone content a Giant Step further.
Users simply log on to the iComic Press website or choose a story they want through their Wap browser and fire off a text message.
Within minutes, they receive a message to their phone with a link to the comic-book. At just 1.50 UKP per comic, paid for through SMS billing, it is cheap, quick and easy to use.
Once installed, it can be read anytime, anywhere, without needing a signal, so favourite stories can be enjoyed on the Tube or in the bath.
Artists who want to write and edit their own stories and pictures can do so online using the custom Java comic-book engine in a webpage in their normal browser.
Adam, 31, said: "It was just conceived as a way of giving myself something to read while I wait for the bus. Something to fill those five-minute lulls in life.
That's also why I opened it up for everybody to write with. It'd be really dull constantly reading my own comics because I'd know how they end. With the tools open I can read someone elses
The idea is to encourage bedroom artists, students and the disenfranchised to publish their own artwork and build a community of artists developing their own grassroots way to notoriety.
I don't know of anyone who is publishing comic-books for mobiles, let alone opening up their development tools so the public can create their own. We are publishing these independent stories in a similar way to underground print comic-book publishers.
Nine months in the making, the system uses Java applets to create the comic-books, which are reproduced as Java midlets on mobile handsets. The system is compatible with many handsets and the editing software runs on PC, Mac and Unix systems.