Oreimo Simulcast Statement
by Christopher Macdonald,
On October 9th the second episode of Oreimo was downloaded from Anime News Network's contracted content delivery network when security measures believed to be in place on our video server failed and were unlawfully circumvented. Anime News Network assumes all responsibility for these failures and emphatically confirms that Aniplex and its partners in Japan were in no way responsible for this occurrence.
Anime News Network would like to apologize to all of the fans of Oreimo in North America and Japan for the disappointment caused by this unfortunate situation.
As of this time all simulcasting on Anime News Network Oreimo and togainu no chi - Bloody Curs will be suspended indefinitely while we continue to investigate this breach and correct the security lapses that allowed it to occur. At this time it remains unclear if, or when the simulcasts will resume. Anime News Network will issue a full refund to all our members that purchased a premium streaming account for Oreimo or togainu no chi - Bloody Curs.
現時点ではANNでの日米同時期ストリーミングサービスを中止しております。この措置は今回の事件を十二分に調査し、この事態を招いたセキュリティの欠陥を是正できるまでの無期限とします。サービス再開の可否ならびに時期等については、追ってご案内を差し上げます。 「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない」、「咎狗の血」2作品の(有料)プレミアムサービスをご購入頂いた皆様に対しては、全額返金させていただきます。
Anime News Network would like to thank our readers and fans for their continued support,
Christopher Macdonald
CEO, Anime News Network, Inc.
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