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Super Robot Wars Y Game Announced for PS5, Switch, PC

posted on by Alex Mateo

Bandai Namco Entertainment announced on Thursday Super Robot Wars Y, a new entry in the long-running Super Robot Wars crossover strategy role-playing game series. The game will launch worldwide for PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025. The company streamed an announcement trailer:

The game will include characters and mecha from the following anime:

There will also be original hero mecha Lunedrache/Lundrache II and pilots Forte Tsukinowa, Echika Y. Franburnett, and Cross Tsukinowa.

Super Robot Wars 30 launched in October 2021 for PS4 and Switch in both Japan and Southeast Asia (in English). The game launched for PC via Steam in the same regions as well as in the West on the same day.

Source: Press release

Disclosure: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc., is a non-controlling, minority shareholder in Anime News Network Inc.

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