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K Manga Adds The Kagari Monster Family Manga for Simulpub

posted on by Alex Mateo
Sora Daichi debuted manga on Wednesday

Kodansha's K Manga service revealed on Tuesday that it has added Sora Daichi's The Kagari Monster Family (Kagari-ke no 8-Kyōdai) manga as a simulpub.

The Kagari Monster Family
Image via K Manga's X/Twitter account

The company describes the story:

Unemployed and desperate, Ito Tohma stakes her life on a housekeeping job at a mansion in the middle of nowhere. But she's surprised to discover that it's actually for the Monster Center, a counseling office for monsters who disguise themselves as human! Now, she works at the Center to help the humanity-challenged with their problems.

Daichi (Stunts) debuted the manga in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine on Wednesday.

Source: K MANGA's X/Twitter account

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