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Netflix's Live-Action Webtoon-Based Series Karma Unveils New Trailer, Poster

posted on by Wonhee Cho
Heesun Choi drew original series

Netflix Korea streamed released on March 19 a new official trailer and poster for Kakao Entertainment's upcoming live-action series Karma, based on the webtoon of the same name.

Image via Netflix Korea's X/Twitter account

In the trailer, 'Loan Shark Man' (Hee-jun Lee) requests a murder after confirming a 500 million won (about US$340,000) insurance policy, 'Joo-yeon' (Min-a Shin) confronts someone who brought her terrifying nightmares, 'Glasses Man' (Kwang-soo Lee) and his girlfriend 'Yu-jeong' (Seung-yeon Gong) attempt to cover up a car accident, 'Witness' (Hae-soo Park) demands 30 million won (about US$20,000) after witnessing the incident, and 'Gil-ryong' (Sung-kyun Kim) plans a murder alongside Loan Shark Man.

The English version of the Karma webtoon is available on Tapas. Heesun Choi drew the series, which ended in 2020.

Source: Netflix Korea's X/Twitter account

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