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Netflix Confirms Cast of Get Schooled Webtoon's Live-Action Adaptation True Lessons

posted on by Wonhee Cho
Moo-yul Kim, Sung-min Lee, Ki-yoo Jin, Ji-hoon Pyo star

Netflix confirmed last Thursday the production of its new original series True Lessons (working title), based on the webtoon Get Schooled, and announced the lead cast lineup.

True Lessons cast
Image via Netflix

Moo-yul Kim plays Hwa-jin Na, a Teacher Rights Protection Bureau supervisor who resolves school issues with his own methods. Sung-min Lee stars as Kang-seok Choi, the Minister of Education and founder of the bureau.

Ki-joo Jin takes on the role of Han-lim Im, a former special forces soldier turned supervisor. Ji-hoon Pyo, also known as P.O of Block B, plays Geun-dae Bong, a brilliant civil servant working for the bureau.

The drama occurs in a world where teacher authority has collapsed, prompting the establishment of the Teacher Rights Protection Bureau under the Ministry of Education. The story follows government-dispatched supervisors who intervene at problem schools, confronting unruly students and parents in bold, unorthodox ways.

Jong-chan Hong (Juvenile Justice, Mr. Plankton) is directing the series, and Nam-kyu Lee (Behind Your Touch, The Light in Your Eyes) is writing,

While the original webtoon gained attention for its satisfying narratives driven by strong state power, it also drew criticism for portraying marginalized groups such as women and people of color as villains, often resolving conflict through violence. Director Hong has acknowledged these concerns and previously stated that the drama adaptation will approach the material with greater sensitivity and care.

Sources: Netflix, YNA (Myung-eon Oh)

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