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KOCCA Launches 2025 Startup Support Program for Manhwa, Webtoons

posted on by Wonhee Cho
KOCCA will provide up to US$75,000

Image via KOCCA's Facebook Page
Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) announced its “2025 Startup Support Program for the Manhwa and Webtoon Sector,” which aims to help early-stage companies with creative ideas and technology successfully enter the market.

The program will run from the date of agreement signing until November 30, 2025, selecting a total of eight projects for funding. Selected startups can receive up to 100 million KRW (approximately US$75,000) in support.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Pre-startups: Companies founded between March 20, 2024 and March 19, 2025, which are expected to develop prototype-level content or services.
  • Early-stage startups: Companies founded between March 20, 2022 and March 19, 2024, which are expected to enhance and scale existing content or services.

KOCCA will select approximately four projects from each group, providing up to 50 million KRW (about US$35,000) for pre-startups and 100 million KRW for early-stage startups. Applicants must contribute at least 10% of the total project cost in cash, with in-kind contributions not accepted.

Applications will be accepted from March 20 to April 8 at 5:00 p.m. KST, and must be submitted via the e-Nara system website.

This initiative continues KOCCA's mission to nurture innovation and growth within Korea's creative content industries by supporting promising new ventures in the comics and weboon space.

Source: KOCCA

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