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The Holy Grail of Eris TV Anime Reveals Full Staff, More Cast, Promo Video

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Yōhei Azakami, M.A.O join cast; new visual also revealed

The official website for the anime Kujira Tokiwa and Yuunagi's The Holy Grail of Eris (Eris no Seihai) light novel series revealed the show's TV format, full staff, more cast, visual, and promotional video on Friday.

The Holy Grail of Eris visual
Image via The Holy Grail of Eris anime's X/Twitter account

The new cast includes Yōhei Azakami as Randolph Ulster and M.A.O as Lily Orlamunde.

The staff includes:

Image via The Holy Grail of Eris franchise's X/Twitter account
Kana Ichinose stars in the anime as Constance Grail and Sayumi Suzushiro stars as Scarlett Castiel. Both are reprising their roles from the light novel's previous drama CD.

Tokiwa launched the story on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website in 2017. Drecom published the original light novel's five volumes simultaneously on November 7.

Yen Press releases the light novels in English and describes the story:

Connie is a young noblewoman whose only standout quality is her sincerity. Maybe that's why she loses her fiancée and gets framed for a crime in the span of one night. Just as all hope seems lost, the ghost of an infamous villainess who was executed years ago possesses her and clears her name. With her incomparable charisma and intelligence, the spirit of Scarlet Castiel turns the tables in the blink of an eye. In return, Connie insists that she help uncover the truth surrounding her new benefactor's untimely death and a conspiracy that continues to this very day!

Momoyama's manga adaptation launched on Square Enix's Manga UP! web manga site and app in 2019. Yen Press also publishes the manga adaptation, and Square Enix's Manga UP! Global publishes the manga digitally.

S.Kosugi launched a sequel manga adaptation titled Eris no Seihai S (The Holy Grail of Eris -SEQUEL-) on October 18.

Sources: The Holy Grail of Eris anime's website, Comic Natalie

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