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Miyuki Nakayama's Shota x Oni BL Manga Gets Anime (Updated)

posted on by Alex Mateo
Manga debuted in September 2021

Shota x Oni volume 6
Image via Amazon Japan
The sixth compiled book volume of Miyuki Nakayama's Shota x Oni (or Shota Oni) boys-love manga revealed on Saturday that the series is getting an anime adaptation.

The story is about an elementary school boy Tsubaki and his childhood friend Yū, who is in high school.

Nakayama (Blend S) debuted the manga on the Comic CMOA website as part of the launch for Square Enix's boys-love manga label "Gangan BLiss" in September 2021. The series is also on Manga UP!, ebookjapan, LINE Manga, and Kindle Store.

The manga won the Best Next Generation (Newcomer) award at boys-love website Chil-Chil's 13th annual BL Awards in 2022.

Update: Fixed author's name. Thanks, DamianSalazar.

Source: Comic Natalie

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