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Pnerbit Haru Licenses Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider Mystery Novel

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Novel inspired manga adaptation, TV anime, live-action series in 2015

Image via Penerbit Haru's Facebook page
Indonesian publisher Penerbit Haru announced on Wednesday that it has licensed Hiroshi Mori's Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider (Subete ga F ni Naru) novel.

The story of the original novel revolves around Sōhei Saikawa, a member of the Saikawa Research Lab. He goes on a vacation held by the lab, and Moe Nishinosono, the daughter of his mentor, joins the group on their vacation despite not being a part of the lab. There, the two end up finding a corpse. The two work together to solve the mysteries of what becomes a serial murder case.

The novel inspired both a television anime and a live-action television series that both aired in Japan in 2015.

Kairi Shimotsuki launched a manga adaptation of the novel in May 2015, and ended it in 2016.

Source: Penerbit Haru's Facebook page

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