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PVR Inox Certifies Trailer for Shin-chan: Our Dinosaur Diary with Indian Censor Board

posted on by Adriana Hazra
Central Board of Film Certification's website lists film's trailer as approved for screening

Image via Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Ora-tachi no Kyōryū Nikki film's website
The Central Board of Film Certification in India is listing the trailer for Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Ora-tachi no Kyōryū Nikki (Crayon Shin-chan the Movie: Our Dinosaur Diary), the Crayon Shin-chan franchise's 31st 2D animated film, as approved on its website. PVR Inox Pictures applied for the certification, hinting at a theatrical release for the film in India.

The film premiered in Japan on August 9. The film opened in Japan at #2. The film sold 365,000 tickets and earned 455,302,200 yen (about US$3.05 million) in its first three days, and sold 510,000 tickets and earned 636 million yen (about US$4.32 million) in its first four days including Monday (August 10 was the Mountain Day holiday in Japan).

The film follows the friendship between the Nobara family's pet dog Shiro and a "small dinosaur." Their connection helps the growth of Shinnosuke and the Kasukabe Defense Squad.

Takumi Kitamura guest stars in the film as Billy, a biology researcher who loves dinosaurs and works with the Kasukabe Defense Squad. Ozwald comedian duo Yū Hatanaka and Shunsuke Itō also guest star in the film as Chū and Ammoner Itō, respectively.

Shinobu Sasaki (director of many Duel Masters anime including the 2017, 2018, and 2019 Duel Masters TV anime) directed the film. Moral, who writes scripts for the Crayon Shin-chan TV series, wrote the screenplay.

Rock band My Hair is Bad performed the film's theme song "Omoide o Kakenukete" (Run Past Your Memories).

Eiga Crayon Shin-chan Chō Karei! Shakunetsu no Kasukabe Dancers (Crayon Shin-chan the Movie: Super Magnificent! Scorching Kasukabe Dancers), the latest anime film in the Crayon Shin-chan series, will open in Japan on August 8. The film will be the "series' first dance entertainment movie" and the series' first film set in India.

Sources: The Central Board of Film Certification via @SastaOtaku

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