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Muse Asia Streams Is the order a rabbit? Anime in India

posted on by Adriana Hazra
Muse Asia previously streamed anime in India in November 2022

Muse Asia's YouTube channel began streaming the television anime adaptation of Koi's Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka? (Is the order a rabbit?) manga in India on Thursday.

Alongside India, the anime is streaming in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Pakistan.

The YouTube channel streamed the anime in India previously in November 2022. Muse Asia describes the anime:

Cocoa will be attending her high school in a new town this Spring. She was lost in this new town, when by chance the cafe that she visits, "Rabbit House", is actually the very cafe that she will be lodging in. She quickly broke the ice with the sole daughter of the proprietor of Rabbit House, Chino, and a part-timer, Rize. And thus, Cocoa's new lively new life begins.

The first season premiered in April 2014, and the second season premiered in October 2015. The Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?? Dear My Sister special episode for the anime opened in theaters in Japan in November 2017. Is the order a rabbit? BLOOM, the third season, premiered in October 2020. Muse Asia streamed the anime in India.

Source: Muse Asia's YouTube channel

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