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Naoko Yamada London Double-Bill Cinema Screening on March 8

posted on by Andrew Osmond
The films A Silent Voice and Liz and the Blue Bird will be presented by the hosts of the Ghibliotheque podcast at Picturehouse cinema in Finsbury Park

Tickets are available for a double-bill of films directed by Naoko Yamada at Kyoto Animation, 2016's A Silent Voice and 2018's Liz and the Blue Bird, starting at 2 p.m. on Saturday March 8. The venue is the Picturehouse cinema at Finsbury Park, close to Finsbury Park Underground station.

The films will be presented by the hosts of the Ghibliotheque podcast, Michael Leader and Jake Cunningham. The total running time of the event is given as 255 minutes. A Silent Voice has a runtime of 130 minutes, and Liz and the Blue Bird has a runtime of 90 minutes. The screening is described as "Ad and Trailer free."

A Silent Voice (pictured right) is described on the Picturehouse site as follows:

"Shoya Ishida starts bullying the new girl in class, Shoko Nishimiya, because she is deaf. But as the teasing continues, the rest of the class starts to turn on Shoya for his lack of compassion. When they leave elementary school, Shoko and Shoya do not speak to each other again… until an older, wiser Shoya, tormented by his past behaviour, decides he must see Shoko once more. He wants to atone for his sins, but is it already too late…?"

Liz and the Blue Bird (pictured left) is described on the site as follows:

"Students and best friends Mizore Yoroizuka and Nozomi Kasaki prepare to play a complex musical duet, ‘Liz and the Blue Bird’, for oboe and flute. Though they play beautifully together and have been friends since childhood, Mizore and Nozomi find that with graduation looming and the duet proving difficult, their friendship begins to buckle under the pressure."

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