Living the Line Reveals Multi-Volume Book Deal With Marina Shirakawa Estate, Other Manga Releases for This Year
posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Living the Line's Smudge horror imprint will release Shinichi Koga's Mansect (Yо̄chū) manga in February, and Taro Bonten's Face Meat manga is confirmed for release in May. Two unannounced classic horror manga will release in September and December.
Living the Line published Shirakawa's UFO Mushroom Invasion (Shinryaku Enban Kinokonga) manga in English on September 17. The manga was nominated for Best New Edition of Classic Manga Series in the first American Manga Awards last year.
Shirakawa originally launched the horror manga in 1976 under Akebono Publishing.
Shirakawa (1940-2000) was a manga creator, illustrator, and folklorist. He provided illustrations for projects related to Japanese folklore and H.P. Lovecraft. Living the Line stated in his manga works he "drew bizarre and harrowing manga about such things as UFO invasions, time-traveling vampires, and zombie cats."
Source: Email correspondence