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Akiko Kawano's The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior Manga Ends, Restarts With New Title (Updated)

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
2023 manga is "new chapter" of canceled The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior manga adaptation by Bunko Matsuura

Image via Amazon
The February issue of Ichijinsha's Monthly Comic Zero-Sum magazine published the final chapter of the "Val arc" of Akiko Kawano's The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior To The Savior (Higeki no Genkyō to naru Saikyō Gedō Last Boss Joō wa Min no tame ni Tsukushimasu. To The Savior) manga on December 27. This marks the manga's end, and the series will restart with a new title, starting from the "Fiancé arc." The magazine did not reveal a launch date for the manga's restart.

Update: The manga will restart with a new series titled Higeki no Genkyō to naru Saikyō Gedō Last Boss Joō wa Min no tame ni Tsukushimasu. The Savior's Pride in the May issue of Monthly Comic Zero-Sum, which will release on March 28. Source: Monthly Comic Zero-Sum April issue

Kawano's manga is a "new chapter" of the manga adaptation of Tenichi and Suzunosuke's The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior light novel series, after Bunko Matsuura's manga adaptation was canceled in 2022, due to Matsuura's poor health.

Kawano launched the manga in Monthly Comic Zero-Sum in June 2023. Ichijinsha published the manga's first compiled book volume in February 2024, and will publish the second volume on January 31.

Seven Seas Entertainment is releasing both the original light novels and Matsuura's manga adaptation in English, and it describes the story:

Pride Royal Ivy is only eight years old when she realizes that she's been reincarnated, destined to become the future wicked queen and final boss of an otome game. She's got it all in this new life: razor-sharp wit, boss-tier powers, and influence over the kingdom as crown princess. Determined to sow despair and destruction across the land, she... Wait, what kind of a rotten future is that?! Princess Pride decides to drop the maniacal villainess plan and protect the male love interests instead, cheating her way to saving everyone she can! Will this final boss end up earning the adoration of her kingdom?

Tenichi began serializing the original story in the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website in April 2018, where it is still ongoing. Ichijinsha began publishing the story in print editions with illustrations by Suzunosuke, beginning with the first volume in June 2019.

The light novels inspired a television anime adaptation, which premiered in 2023. HIDIVE streams the anime.

Akira Shikimi and Kawano's The Dragon King's Imperial Wrath (Ryūō Heika no Gekirin-sama: Hon Suki Nezumi-hime Desu ga, Nazeka Ryūō no Saiai ni Narimashita) manga launched in Ichijinsha's Zero-Sum Online web magazine in May 2021. The manga ended in its third volume in November 2022. Seven Seas published the manga in English.

Source: Monthly Comic Zero-Sum's February issue and X/Twitter account

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