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HIDIVE Adds Ninja Scroll Anime Film

posted on by Alex Mateo
Madhouse, Yoshiaki Kawajiri's 1993 movie streams on November 12

HIDIVE revealed on Wednesday that it will stream the Ninja Scroll (Jūbei Ninpūchō) anime film in Japanese with English subtitles and with the original English dub on November 12 at 12:00 p.m. EDT.

HIDIVE describes the story:

When Jubei saves a young ninja woman from the unthinkable, he assumes that's the end of it. To his surprise, it's only just the beginning. Together, the two investigate the mysterious deaths of an entire village which uncovers a conspiracy of demonic proportions! Getting closer to the truth, the demonic forces will stop at nothing to silence Jubei and his companion for good!

Iconic Events Releasing and Anime Expo screened Ninja Scroll for the 30th anniversary of the theatrical release in the U.S. in September for AX Cinema Nights.

Yoshiaki Kawajiri not only directed the Ninja Scroll film at the Studio Madhouse, but he also wrote the screenplay and designed the characters. The film opened in Japan in 1993 and later became a popular showing on American cable television. Sentai Filmworks licensed the film in in 2012. The film had previously streamed on services such as HIDIVE and Hulu.

The 13-episode Ninja Scroll television anime series by Madhouse aired in 2003. Discotek released the series on Blu-ray Disc in 2020. Urban Vision previously released the anime on VHS and DVD in 2003-2005.

Source: HIDIVE

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