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Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp Compilation Film Opens in N. America on August 28, Australia on September 5

posted on by Alex Mateo
Crunchyroll acquires theatrical rights for film

Image via NisiOisin Anime Project's Twitter account
Crunchyroll announced on Tuesday that it has acquired the North American and select international theatrical rights for the Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp compilation film from Aniplex of America. The film will open for one-day-only in North America, including Mexico, on August 28 and in Australia on September 5.

The film opened in Japan on January 12.

French singer-songwriter Clémentine returned to perform the new film's ending song. Clémentine previously performed the song "Étoile et toi" (The Star and Me) for the Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu film, and a new arrangement of the song for the "Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu."

The Kizumonogatari anime originally released as three films: Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu in January 2016, Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu in August 2016, and Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu in January 2017.

Tatsuya Oishi, who directed the Bakemonogatari anime series, directed the film trilogy at the anime studio SHAFT. Akiyuki Simbo was credited as chief director. Akio Watanabe and Hideyuki Morioka designed the characters. Yōta Tsuruoka directed the sound, and Satoru Kousaki composed the music.

Kizumonogatari is the third volume in NisiOisin's Monogatari book series and is a prequel to Bakemonogatari. The novel tells the story of how protagonist Koyomi encounters the female vampire that would turn him and his journey to return to his normal life.

Source: Press release

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