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How Four Negative Skills = Unrivaled Synergy Manga Listed as Ending in August

posted on by Anita Tai
Manga of fantasy light novel series launched in February 2022

Image via Amazon Japan

Amazon Japan is listing the fourth volume of Hiromi Taihei's manga adaptation of Kiichi Kosuzu and Shirabii's How Four Negative Skills = Unrivaled Synergy (Minus Skill Mochi Yonin ga Atsumattara) light novel as the final volume of the series. The fourth volume will ship on August 6.

Manga UP! publishes the series in English and describes the story:

Alvin is a young adventurer with an atrocious negative skill. In spite of his overwhelming strength, he's considered a nuisance by those around him and kicked out of his party.
In the throes of despair, he hears a rumor about a dungeon where one can obtain an item that erases skills and recklessly decides to solo the boss. That is, until he meets Cocoru, a cleric who has also long suffered from her own negative skill. However, when Alvin learns the effect of her skill, he can't help but think…
"Couldn't our skills work well together?"
The negatives cancel each other out and become a positive! As their skills multiply together, nothing can stand in their way! This is the ultimate "mutual support" story for these unfortunate adventurers!

Taihei launched the manga in Square Enix's Manga UP! in February 2022. Square Enix shipped the manga's third compiled book volume on December 7. Kosuzu and Shirabii launched the original light novel in the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website in July 2020. Its second compiled volume shipped in February 2022.

Source: Amazon Japan

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