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Corpse Party: Blood Drive Game's Live-Action Promo Streamed

posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
Saori Hayami, Maaya Uchida, and Jun Oosuka join game's cast

The official website for the Corpse Party: Blood Drive PlayStation Vita game began streaming a live-action promotional video.

The video stars Emi Tamaki as Ayumi Shinozaki, Mana Nishioka as Naomi Nakashima, Hisae Motoyama as Seiko Shinohara, Marika Motoyoshi as Mayu Suzumoto, and Hirokazu Machida as Yoshikazu.

A second promotional video for the game also began streaming. The video introduces the game's three new characters: Saori Hayami as Kuon Niwa, Maaya Uchida as Magari Mizuki, and Jun Oosuka as Misuto Kiriya.

The game will serve as the finale of Heavenly Host Elementary School's tragic storyline and is slated for release on July 24.

The original Corpse Party horror game from &TEAM GrisGris followed of a group of high school students trapped in Heavenly Host Elementary, which is haunted by children who disappeared. The new game will continue the story from the eighth chapter (also named "Blood Drive") from the earlier PSP game Corpse Party: Book of Shadows.

XSEED Games released the PSP version of the original Corpse Party game in North America and Europe, as well as the follow-up game Corpse Party: Book of Shadows.

[Via Hachima Kikou]

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