Lodoss War Online Game to Start Alpha Test This Summer
posted on by Jennifer Sherman
The Japanese online game company GameOn announced at the Niconico Chōkaigi 3 convention on Sunday that it aims to begin alpha testing for the Lodoss-tō Senki Online (Record of Lodoss War Online) game this summer. Subscribers to the official Lodoss War email newsletter can register. A promotional video also began streaming on Sunday:
GameOn announced in 2011 that it acquired the global license to make an online game for computers and mobile phones based on the Record of Lodoss War fantasy franchise from Kadokawa Production and Slowcurve. The company released the Lodoss-tō Senki: Densetsu no Keishōsha (Record of Lodoss War: The Legendary Heir) online game in 2012, followed by editions for mobile devices in 2013.

Record of Lodoss War began as a series of magazine articles that recounted the pencil-and-paper role-playing game sessions of players who called themselves Group SNE. Those fantasy adventures evolved into a series of novels by Ryo Mizuno that now have over 10 million copies in print. The franchise's lastest anime adaptation, Meshimase Lodoss-tō Senki Sorette Oishii no? (Have Some, Record of Lodoss War: Is That Delicious?), is a series of weekly television anime shorts that premiered on April 6.

4Gamer posted more screenshots online.
Source: 4Gamer via Hachima Kikō