Final Fantasy XIV's 1st Fan Festival Coming to Las Vegas, London, Tokyo
posted on by Egan Loo
Major news planned in Las Vegas & London in October & in Tokyo in November
Square Enix announced at its Niconico Chōkaigi stage event on Sunday that it will host the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn MMORPG's first fan festival this fall in Las Vegas, London, and Tokyo. According to Square Enix, it is preparing major news for "Fan Festival 2014."
Producer Naoki Yoshida indicated that an announcement is being planned for the first anniversary of the MMORPG's A Realm Reborn revamp. A Realm Reborn launched worldwide for the PlayStation 3 and PC on August 27, 2013, and for the PlayStation 4 on April 14, 2014.

Source: Dengeki via Hachima Kikō