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Voice Actress: Fate Game Slated for November

posted on by Jennifer Sherman

Voice actress Atsuko Tanaka (Fate/stay night's Caster, Ghost in the Shell's MOTOKO Kusanagi) announced on Twitter on Thursday that voice recording for a game in Type-Moon's Fate series has been completed. Tanaka said the game is slated to ship in November.

Kadokawa's Type-Moon Ace magazine announced in January that a PlayStation Vita port of the Fate/hollow ataraxia PC game will be released this year. The game is being enhanced to take advantage of the PS Vita's touch screen interface, and it will be full-voiced.

The original Fate/hollow ataraxia for the PC shipped in 2005, and the game served as a sequel to Type-Moon's Fate/stay night visual novel.

[Via Yaraon!]

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