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Solanin's Asano to Launch Honobono no Fūfu Manga

posted on by Egan Loo
Tentatively titled series to run in Big Comic Spirits with Boku wa Coffee ga Nomenai

This year's 21st issue of Shogakukan's Big Comic Spirits magazine is announcing on Monday that Inio Asano is launching a new manga series tentatively titled Honobono no Fūfu (Tender-hearted Couple) in the next issue on April 28. The magazine describes the story as "new territory" for Asano.

Writer Yukie Fukuda and artist Mocha YOSHIKI will also launch their coffee gourmet manga Boku wa Coffee ga Nomenai (I Can't Drink Coffee) in the 24th issue of Big Comic Spirits on May 12. Expert "coffee hunter" Yoshiaki Kawashima is providing editorial supervision on the manga.

Asano just ended his Oyasumi Punpun manga series last November. Viz Media has published Asano's previous series Solanin and What a wonderful world!, and Fantagraphics Books is publishing Asano's horror manga Nijigahara Holograph.

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