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ComicWalker App Launches With 18 Manga Titles in English

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins

Japanese publisher Kadokawa's ComicWalker website and app launched on Saturday with 18 titles in English. The launch titles are as follows:

The Japanese version of ComicWalker also announced on Monday that it will serialize a digital version of Haruhiko Mikimoto's Macross The First manga. The serialization of the special edition of this "previously unknown Macross 'Episode 0'" with substantial revisions and color pages will launch in early April. The English version of the website has not yet confirmed if it will also carry the manga. The manga's previous home in print, Newtype Ace magazine, ended publication last July.

The service's website includes a calendar so users can see when Kadokawa will update each of the series. The website also includes a blog by the editor as well as links to purchasing print and digital versions of manga already licensed, such as Yen Press' releases of The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan and High School DxD.

ComicWalker users are able to create their own "magazines" to follow the manga they want to read, and the app will also suggest other series based on users' history.

The service will feature 150 past and present works, and around 50 original titles. Kadokawa plans to release the original titles in collected book form under a new label. Currently, ComicWalker also has 142 manga in Japanese and 21 manga in Chinese.

Kadokawa also noted that it will host a contest for a "ComicWalker Rookie Award" and a "Kan Colle Comic Illustration Award" (temporary name) with the service.

Hideaki Kobayashi serves as ComicWalker's executive manager.

Thanks to Gwyn Campbell for the news tip

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