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Boys-Love Game DRAMAtical Murder Gets TV Anime This Summer

posted on by Egan Loo
Nitro+CHiRAL works with anime studio NAZ on show

The game label Nitro+Chiral announced on Sunday that a television anime adaptation of its boys-love adventure game DRAMAtical Murder has been green-lit. The anime's official website is streaming a promotional video with the opening theme song "Slip on the Pumps."

The game's story centers on a young man named Aoba who lives with his grandmother on the island Midorijima. He works at a junk shop in the island's Former Residents District after Toue builds the Platinum Jail resort on part of Midorijima and forces residents to move. Aoba is content with his simple life but gets pulled into mysterious events unfolding on the island.

Kazuya Miura (animation director or unit director on Macross Frontier: Sayonara no Tsubasa, Silent Möbius, Kindaichi Shounen no Jiken) is directing the anime at the studio NAZ. Touko Machida (Allison & Lillia, The Idolm@ster, Hamatora, Karneval, Lucky Star) and the game's Kabura Fuchii (Togainu no Chi) of Nitroplus are in charge of the series scripts. Yukiko Ban (Brave10, .hack//SIGN, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi) is adapting the original character designs by honyalala of Nitroplus for animation. Yuuki Hayashi (Blood Lad, Diabolik Lovers, Gundam Build Fighters, Robotics;Notes, Soul Eater Not!) is composing the music, and the rock band GOATBED is contributing the opening theme song "Slip on the Pumps" after working on the game.

The anime's main voice cast includes:

  • Atsushi Kisaichi as Aoba
  • Hiroki Takahashi as Kōjaku
  • Satoshi Hino as Noiz
  • Kenichirou Matsuda as Mink
  • Masatomo Nakazawa as Clear
  • Ryota Takeuchi as Ren

The anime will premiere this summer, and Nitro+CHiRAL will hold an advance screening of the first episode beforehand. Nitro+CHiRAL released the original boys-love game for Windows PC in March 2012. It also released a DRAMAtical Murder re:connect game that continues the story last year.

Thanks to Rachel S. and grooven for the news tips

[Via Yaraon!]

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