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The Guided Fate Paradox's Game Sequel Previewed in Videos

posted on by Karen Ressler
Choose which heroine to rescue in PS3 game shipping July 24 in Japan

Nippon Ichi Software released a promotional video for Kamisama to Unmei Kakumei no Cross Thesis (The Cross Thesis of God and a Fateful Revolution), the sequel to Kamisama to Unmei Kakumei no Paradox (The Guided Fate Paradox). The role-playing game will ship for PlayStation 3 in Japan on July 24.

The promotional video features the theme song "Kakusei, Kooteru Tamashii to Unmei no Kyoukaisen" performed by by Yousei Teikoku, written by YUI, and composed by Takaha Tachibana.

The game will star one hero and two heroines:

Asami Imai (The IDOLM@STER's Chihaya) as Jupierre Chūmi

Yumi Hara (The IDOLM@STER's Takane) as Aruru Harue.

According to Nippon Ichi, the player can only save the one heroine they choose. The video introduces the game's two heroines and asks "which will you save/kill?"

The Famitsu Live broadcast on Niconico also streamed a play test video on Wednesday:

NIS produced The Guided Fate Paradox "destiny revolution RPG" last year as its first 20th anniversary commemorative title. The creative team behind NIS' Disgaea role-playing game series planned and developed the project. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya light novel illustrator Noizi Itō served as the game's character designer, and Yousei Teikoku (The Future Diary, Katanagatari theme songs) provided soundtrack and theme song. The Voices of Love Live!'s idol group voiced the game's various heroines under the alias of their Love Live! character's name.

The first game shipped in Japan last January. NIS America shipped the game in North America and Europe last fall.

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