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Motto! SoniComi PS3 Game's Opening Video, Gameplay Videos Streamed

posted on by Sarah Nelkin
"Love communication" Super Sonico game by Kadokawa Games ships on March 20

Kadokawa began streaming the opening video and a total of seven gameplay videos for its motto! SoniComi (More Communication With Sonico) video game for the PlayStation 3 system on Friday. The gameplay videos show Sonico interacting with the player and working at such locations as at a studio, in town, and at a cafe.

The motto! SoniComi "love communication" game is an updated version of the 2011 PC game SoniComi with revamped graphics and easier gameplay. In the game, players aim to become a professional cameraman, and take requests from various clients while deepening a friendship with the new gravure idol Sonico.

Super Sonico is the mascot girl of the "Nitro Super Sonic" events held by Nitroplus. In her back story, she is already a photoshoot model, game character, and a musician, even as she studies as a college student. She is also part of a three-piece girl band named "Daiichi Uchū Sokudo" (Fastest Speed in Space) as the vocalist and guitarist.

motto! SoniComi is slated to ship in Japan on March 20, 2014 in a limited edition for 9,240 yen (US$90) and a normal edition for 7,140 yen (US$70). Those who pre-order the game will get a code for a "sweet" costume DLC designed by Santa Tsuji.

Another Super Sonico game, the SoniPro (Super Sonico in Production) idol-producing game for the Nintendo 3DS, will ship in Japan on May 29.

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