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Hatsune Miku -Project Diva F 2nd- Video Previews 36 Songs

posted on by Reina Bolanos
PS3, PS Vita game to ship March 27

Sega began streaming a new 10-minute song introduction video on Thursday for its Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F 2nd rhythm game on PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3.

The game will feature a total of 40 songs sung by various Vocaloids, and this video previews the following songs:

  • "Clover Club" by Yuyu (Mikuzukin module by Tda)
  • "Suki Kirai" by HoneyWorks (Yume Miru Panda/Koisuru Shirokuma modules by Yamako)
  • “SpiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-” by Toku (Orbit module designed by refeia)
  • "Miracle Paint" by OSTER project (Magician module by Kenji Hirabaru)
  • “Envy Catwalk” by To-ma (Chat Noir module by To-ma)
  • “Double Lariat” by Agoaniki
  • “Kowase Kowase” by E.L.V.N. (Blazing module by Bōshi Issun)
  • "Hello, Worker" by KEI (Recruiter module by bob)
  • “Glory 3usi9" by Nanou (Nanairo Line module by TNSK)
  • “Tsugai Kogarashi” by hinayukki@Shigotoshite-P (Kureha, Shigure modules by hinayukki@Shigotoshite-P)
  • “Akatsuki Arrival” by Last Note. (Avant Garde, Sucessor modules designed by Sorama)
  • “Melt” by ryo (Hatsune Miku Append, Hatsune Miku V3 modules by Masaki Asai, iXima)
  • Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro” by Hachi (Rasetsu to Mukuro module by Hachi)
  • “Sennen no Dokusōka” by yanagi (Sumire module by Yū)
  • “Cantarella ~grace edition~” by Kurousa-P (WhiteFlame) (Rosa Blue, Rosa Bianca modules by Maru Itto)
  • “Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru [Shite Yan Yo]” by ika_mo
  • “Kokoro” by Travolta
  • "Ni Jigen Dream Fever" by PolyphonicBranch (Dimension module by BUZZ)
  • “Romeo to Cinderella” by doriko (Vintage Dress module by Sakarau/Alice)
  • “Narisumashi Gengar” by KulfiQ (Faker, Liar modules by Gorō)
  • “Ura Omote Lovers” by wowaka (Conflict module by redjuice)
  • "Karakuri Pierrot" by 40mP (Regret/Marionette AS modules by Yamako)
  • "Nisoku Hokō" by DECO*27 (Press You module by Shirakomugi)
  • "Decorator" by livetune
  • "Luka Luka Night Fever" by samfree (Cyber Nation module by Makura)
  • “ColorfulxMelody” by &TEAM MOER (Colorful Drop, Cheerful Candy modules by nezuki)
  • "World is Mine" by ryo (Supreme module by redjuice)
  • “Kochira, Koufuku Anshin Iinkai Desu.” by Utata-P (Siren module by Wogura)
  • "Blackjack" by Yucha-P (Temptation module by hatsuko)
  • “Meteor” by Jon (Meteor Light module by SOE)
  • “Packaged” by kz
  • “Paradichlorobenzene” by Owata-P (Strange Dark module by Agata)
  • "erase or zero" by Crystal-P (Eraser/Originator modules by Ichimura)
  • “soundless voice” by Hitoshizuku x yama (Ciel, Soleil modules by Airy Komatsu)
  • "Yubikiri" by Scop (Hana Kotoba/Kyasha module by 72)
  • "Sakura no Ame" by halyosy (School module Etō Ichika)

Sega previously posted a four-minute promotional video narrated by Saki Fujita, the voice actress who supplied the voice samples for the virtual idol Hatsune Miku, and a 10-minute song promotion with 32 songs used in the game.

This latest rhythm game will offer new features: help items (play assist, recovery, safety judge, double killer, and star killer) will keep the game's difficulty in check, while challenge items (shy target, cool master S, high speed, micro notes, and panic) will raise the difficulty.

The game now also offers skins to change the game screens while playing.

The PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3 game will be released on March 27. The PS Vita card and package versions will each retail for 7,000 yen (about US$70), while the download version will cost 6,286 yen (US$63). Players who pre-order the PS Vita version will receive an "Anywhere Laundry Bag":

PS3 pre-orders will come with an "Anytime Tote Bag":

The first Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F shipped for PlayStation 3 in North America last August, and the PlayStation Vita version, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f, will be released in the West in March.

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