Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII's Noel & Caius Battle Videos Posted
posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
Square Enix began streaming gameplay videos of Lightning versus Noel Kreiss and Lightning versus Caius Ballad this week.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII shipped in Japan in November. The game will arrive in the United States on February 11, and then in Europe on February 14.
Players who pre-order the game in North America and Europe will be able to unlock Cloud's uniform and buster sword as equipment for Lightning. Lightning is also getting a Yuna costume from Final Fantasy X and various samurai costumes, as well as a Miqo'te costume from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn with shields with motifs from the game's three city-states: Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, and Ul'dah.
The Collector's Edition will include a collector's box featuring the Japanese cover art for the game. It will also include an 80-page hardcover art book with a dust jacket featuring Tetsuya Nomura's original drawings, a foreward by art director Isamu Kamikokuryō, a retrospective, character sketches, Lightning's full range of customization, information on the world of Nova Chrysalia and its architecture, and information on the world's monsters. Additionally, the edition will include a silver-embossed pocket watch.
The game will represent the final chapter in Lightning's story. The game centers around a 13-day countdown until the end of the world, and players must save humanity within 13 days and 13 nights.