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Hōzuki no Reitetsu Anime's 2nd Set of TV Ads Posted

posted on by Egan Loo
Natsumi Eguchi's supernatural comedy manga inspires January TV anime

Starchild Records began streaming the second set of commercials for the television anime adaptation of Natsumi Eguchi's Hōzuki no Reitetsu supernatural manga on December 26. The commercials once again feature the opening theme song "Jigoku no Sata mo Kimi Shidai" (You Also Dictate Hell's Judgment) by Jigoku no Sata All Stars (Hell's Judgment All Stars), a group of the series' main cast members. (The song title is a parody of the Japanese saying "Jigoku no sata mo kane shidai" or "Money also dictates hell's judgment.")

  • Hakutaku: I am the god of wisdom that knows the secrets of creation. My name is Hakutaku- Uaaaahh!!!
  • Text: Hell
  • Hōzuki: Think it an honor that you fell.
  • Hakutaku: Shut up!! Go back to hell!!
  • Enma: You sure are harsh...
  • Hōzuki: This is Hell, you know.
  • Karashi: You stupid tanuki!!
  • Hōzuki: In Hell, I am strong and violent.
  • Hōzuki: It looks as if you have a butt riding on your head.
  • Peach: Seriously!?
  • Hōzuki: It looks as if you have a butt riding on your head.
  • Peach: Seriously!?
  • Hakutaku: By the way, tonight... I'm free.
  • Hōzuki: In Hell, I am strong and violent.
  • Karashi: My motto is, “I get revenge nice and slowly...” Yup.
  • Hōzuki: Splendid!
  • The dark comedy revolves around Hōzuki (Hiroki Yasumoto), the fierce aide to the Great King Enma (Takashi Nagasako). Calm and super-sadistic, he tries to resolve problems that often occur in Hell.

    The cast includes:

    Takashi Nagasako as Enma Daioh

    Hiroki Yasumoto as Hōzuki

    Touko Aoyama as Nasubi

    Tetsuya Kakihara as Karauri

    Daisuke Hirakawa as Momotarō

    Takashi Matsuyama as Rurio

    Yumiko Kobayashi as Shiro

    Hiroki Gotou as Kakisuke

    Eri Kitamura as Okō

    Koji Yusa as Hakutaku

    Sumire Uesaka as Peach Maki

    Atsumi Tanezaki as Karashi

    Hiro Kaburaki (Kimi ni Todoke, My Little Monster) is directing the series (and its dialogue recording) at Wit Studio (Attack on Titan, Hal) with Norihiro Naganuma (Kimi ni Todoke, My Little Monster) as assistant director. Midori Gotou (Loups=Garous - The Motion Picture, Guilty Crown) is in charge of the series scripts and setting, while Hirotaka Katō (Hal) is serving as character designer and chief animation director. Tomisiro (Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne) is composing music with Starchild Records, and Sound Team Don Juan is producing the sound. Uesaka will perform the ending theme song.

    The series will premiere in Japan on January 9. Sentai Filmworks will release the series on home video and Crunchyroll will stream the series as it airs.

    Images © Natsumi Eguchi, Kodansha/Hōzuki no Reitetsu Production Committee

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