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Ghost in the Shell Arise 2nd Episode's Trailer Posted

posted on by Egan Loo
"Border:2 Ghost Whispers" to open in theaters in Japan on November 30

The official website for the Ghost in the Shell Arise anime project and the PlayStation YouTube channel began streaming the theatrical trailer for the second installment on Saturday. The second episode, titled "border:2 Ghost Whispers," will open in theaters in Japan on November 30. The trailer features part of the episode's ending theme song "Soto wa Senjō da yo" by Ichiko Aoba and Cornelius with lyrics by Shintarō Sakamoto.

The story of "border:2 Ghost Whispers" takes place after MOTOKO gains her freedom by separating herself from the military's 501st Secret Unit. Even without Aramaki's suggestion to make her own unit, MOTOKO begins assembling members. As this is going on, someone has hacked into the Logicoma. As she transports the machines in order to check them for abnormalities, she is suddenly attacked by an armed unit. Not long after, she meets up with Batou, the man with the "eye that never sleeps," Ishikawa, a former member of the army who is good at finding information through the Internet, and Borma, an electronic warfare expert.

The new installment will bring back most the cast from the first installment, with Ishikawa (played by the late Tomoyuki Dan), Saito, and Borma making their first appearance:

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