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Kuroko's Basketball 3DS Game's TV Ad Showcases Cast

posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
Kuroko no Basuke -Shōri e no Kiseki- to ship in Japan on February 20

Namco Bandai Games began streaming a television ad for the Kuroko no Basuke -Shōri e no Kiseki- (Kuroko's Basketball -The Path to Victory-) game on Tuesday.

The game features an original story with anime characters Tetsuya Kuroko (Kenshō Ono), Taiga Kagami (Yūki Ono), Tatsuya Himuro (Kishô Taniyama), Makoto Hanamiya (Jun Fukuyama), Ryōta Kise (Ryōhei Kimura), Shintarō Midorima (Daisuke Ono), Daiki Aomine (Junichi Suwabe), Atsushi Murasakibara (Kenichi Suzumura), and "Emperor" Seijūrō Akashi (Hiroshi Kamiya) in super-deformed style.

Production I.G's television anime adaptation premiered last spring and the second season premiered this month. Crunchyroll is streaming the second season as it airs in Japan.

Kuroko no Basuke -Shōri e no Kiseki- will ship in Japan for the Nintendo 3DS on February 20, 2014.

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