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Gingitsune Shinto Anime's 2nd Promo & More of Cast Unveiled

posted on by Sarah Nelkin

The official website for the Gingitsune television anime began streaming the second promotional video on Tuesday. Hisako Kanemoto narrates the video as the main character Makoto Saeki.

The website also introduces the newest additions to the cast:

Kazuhiko Inoue (Naruto, Case Closed) as Kinjirō

Tomokazu Sugita (Gintama, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) as Seishirō Kirishima

Hirofumi Nojima (Shakugan no Shana, Hunter x Hunter) as Shinichi Yoshizumi

Tomokazu Seki (Fate/Zero, Cardcaptor Sakura) as Shōhei Amamoto

The story is set at a small Shinto harvest shrine dating back to the Edo period. Makoto Saeki lives with her father (the head priest of the shrine) and Gintarō, a kitsune (fox spirit) who happens to be a messenger for the gods. Makoto also happens to be the only one who can see the shrine's kitsune. The manga follows the everyday life of Makoto and Gintarō as they act as the go-between for the gods and humans.

The most of the main cast were previously announced:

Hisako Kanemoto as Makoto Saeki, the second-year high school student whose family has watched over the shrine for 15 generations

Shinichiro Miki as Gintarō, the messenger to the gods

Toshihiko Seki as Tatsuo Saeki, Makoto's father

Ami Koshimizu as Hiwako Funabashi, Makoto's classmate

Chinatsu Akasaki as Yumi Ikegami, Makoto's classmate

Ayumi Fujimura as Haru

Kensho Ono as Satoru Kamio

Noboru Misawa (Kochira Katsushika-ku Kamearikouen-mae Hashutsujo) is directing the anime at Diomedea. Hiroshi Yamaguchi (Yukikaze, Rosario + Vampire) is in charge of the series scripts, and Mayuko Matsumoto (animation director on Astarotte's Toy, Squid Girl) and Naomi Ide (Problem children are coming from another world, aren't they?) are both designing the characters. The musical group fhána (The Eccentric Family ending theme) will perform the opening theme.

The series will begin airing on TV Tokyo at 1:05 a.m. on October 6 (effectively early morning on October 7). The show will also run on the TV Osaka, TV Aichi, and AT-X stations.

[Via NicoTubeAnime]

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