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Robin Nishi's Soul Flower Train Manga Gets Live-Action Film

posted on by Karen Ressler
Film based on short-story manga collection from Mind Game creator to open on August 31

Robin Nishi's collection of manga short-stories Soul Flower Train will be getting a live-action film adaptation this month. The film will open August 31 in Shinjuku's K's Cinema, and the brochure will include an original manga.

The cast includes Mitsuru Hirata, Marin, Sayoko, Kensuke Owada, Tarō Suruga, Mio Otani, Megumi Wada, Mai Iriya, Kaoru Kusumi, and Shōichi Asano. Hiroshi Nishio will direct the film. Shonen Knife will perform the theme song "Osaka Rock City," which plays in the film's trailer, and Hideo Kusumi and DODDODO will create the music.

Enterbrain published Nishi's one-volume short-story collection on "Osaka sentimentality" in 2008. Nishi is best known for the manga series Mind Game, which Masaaki Yuasa and Studio 4°C adapted into an anime film in 2004.

Source: Comic Natalie

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