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Kuroko's Basketball's 2nd Season Promo Video Streamed

posted on by Egan Loo
Returning players in this Fall's "2nd Quarter" highlighted

A promotional video for the second season of the Kuroko's Basketball anime highlights the returning character lineup, to the cheers of female fans: Tetsuya Kuroko, Taiga Kagami, Ryōta Kise, Shintarō Midorima, Daiki Aomine, Atsushi Murasakibara, Seijūrō Akashi, … and Tetsuya #2.

The video notes that it has been one year since the "first quarter" of the anime in 2012, and that the "second quarter" begins this fall. Both seasons adapt Tadatoshi Fujimaki's manga of the same name.

[Via NicoTubeAnime]

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