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Voice Actor Unit STAMEN Goes on Indefinite Hiatus

posted on by Lynzee Loveridge

Male voice-acting group "Nazo no Shin Unit STA☆MEN" announced it will go indefinite hiatus due to the members' busy schedules.

Junichi Suwabe (Black Butler, Bakuman., Fate/stay night, Karneval), Daisuke Kishio (D.C.III ~Da Capo III~, Vampire Knight, Kamisama Kiss, Sparrow's Hotel), Kenichi Suzumura (Accel World, Gintama, Senyū., Uta no Prince-sama - Maji Love 2000%)、Hiroki Takahashi (Hetalia - Axis Powers, Kamisama Kiss, The Prince of Tennis), Kousuke Toriumi (Naruto Shippūden, Uta no Prince-sama - Maji Love 2000%, Ginga Kikōtai Majestic Prince), Makoto Yasumura (Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne), and Hiroyuki Yoshino (Blast of Tempest, Is This a Zombie?, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Vandread) formed the unit in November of 2002.

The group sang themes for Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters and starred in a monthly event "Hello! STA☆MEN!" from August 2004 to July 2005. The group again held monthly events from April 2012 to March 2013 to mark their 10th anniversary. A final event for the group is being planned for this year.

[Via Ota-Suke]

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