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4th Yamato 2199 Anime Film's 1st 10 Minutes Streamed

posted on by Egan Loo
4th film covering episodes 11-14 to debut in Japanese theaters on January 12

On Friday, the Hikari TV and Bandai Channel services began streaming the first 10 minutes from the fourth installment of the Space Battleship Yamato 2199 television anime series and film project. Hikari TV's stream can be viewed outside Japan.

The film Ginga Henkyō no Kōbō (Offense and Defense on the Outer Reaches of the Galaxy) covers episodes 11-14 and will open in 12 theaters in Japan on January 12. The Blu-ray Disc and DVD volume for the fourth film will then ship on February 22.

Yutaka Izubuchi (RahXephon), the 53-year-old animator who worked on mechanical designs and science-fiction concepts on some of the earlier projects in the Yamato franchise, is serving as chief director of this remake of the first series. Nobuteru Yūki (Escaflowne, Record of Lodoss War) is designing the characters, and the anime studios XEBEC and AIC are producing the anime.

[Via Cosmo DNA]

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