Top-Selling Blu-ray Discs in Japan by Category: 2012
posted on by Egan Loo
Gundam UC, Fate/Zero, K-On-Lead anime categories; B'z, EXILE, Momoiro Clover Z, Kara lead music ones
Blu-ray Discs Overall

Music Blu-ray Discs
#1 Blu-ray Disc by Number of Discs Sold: B'z Live -Gym 2011 -C'mon-#1 Blu-ray Disc by Money Earned: B'z Live -Gym 2011 -C'mon-
#1 Artist by Money Earned: EXILE
Foreign Film Blu-ray Discs
#1 Blu-ray Disc by Number of Discs Sold: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Blu-ray+DVD SetDomestic Film Blu-ray Discs
#1 Blu-ray Disc by Number of Discs Sold: Moteki Blu-ray Deluxe EditionAnime/Tokusatsu Blu-ray Discs
#1 Blu-ray Disc by Number of Discs Sold: Mobile Suit Gundam UC #5Anime Film Blu-Ray Discs

Live-Action TV Blu-Ray Discs
#1 Blu-ray Disc by Number of Discs Sold: Kagi no Kakkatta Heya Blu-ray BoxVariety/Comedy Film Blu-Ray Discs
#1 Blu-ray Disc by Number of Discs Sold: Momoiro Clover Z's MomoClo Dan Zenryoku Gyōshuku Director's Cut Vol. 1Idol/Image Film Blu-Ray Discs
#1 Blu-ray Disc by Number of Discs Sold: Kara Vacation 2The fifth Gundam UC volume is the first volume in the series to rank #1 on the annual Blu-ray ranking chart. All five volumes have been in top 10 of their respective years; however, the highest rank that the previous volumes had attained was #5 in 2010 (the first Gundam UC volume) and #5 again in 2011 (the third Gundam UC volume).
Source: Oricon