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Hakkenden: Tōhō Hakken Ibun's 1st Promo Streamed

posted on by Sarah Nelkin
Female-oriented supernatural anime based on classic Japanese novel to debut in January

A promotional video for the upcoming Hakkenden: Tōhō Hakken Ibun anime began streaming on the official website on Wednesday. The trailer features the voice cast members Tetsuya Kakihara, Satoshi Hino, Ayahi Takagaki and Nobuhiko Okamoto as Shino Inuzuka, Sōsuke Inukawa, Hamaji, and Murasame respectively. The anime will begin airing on January 5.

Miyuki Abe's original manga that inspired the anime reimagines the setting from the classic Hakkenden samurai novel as a female-oriented story with supernatural elements. Osamu Yamasaki serves as the anime's chief director, while Mitsue Yamazaki is its director at Studio DEEN. Both Yamasaki and Yamazaki are in charge of the series scripts, while Hiromi Katō is designing the characters.

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