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Japan's Animation Blu-ray Disc Ranking, November 19-25

posted on by Egan Loo

The deluxe edition for the live-action film adaptation of the Thermae Romae manga debuted at #7 (on the overall Blu-ray sales chart) with 6,087 copies sold. The regular edition came in at #16 with 4,435 copies. The Blu-ray Disc for the Tiger & Bunny the Live production landed at #12 with 4,950 copies sold.

Rank Last
Title Weekly
Release Date Maker Cover
Artist/Category Highest
on Chart
1 - Sword Art Online 2 (Limited Complete Pressing) 24,786 24,786 12/11/21 ANX
Animation 1 1
2 - Space Battleship Yamato 2199 3 19,851 19,851 12/11/22 BVS
Animation 2 1
3 - Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere II Ⅲ (Limited First Edition) 18,082 18,082 12/11/22 BVS
Animation 3 1
4 - Brave 11,590 11,590 12/11/21 WDS
Animation 4 1
5 - Kuroko's Basketball 5 8,302 8,302 12/11/22 BVS
Animation 5 1
6 - Yuruyuri♪♪ vol. 3 5,923 5,923 12/11/21 PC
Animation 6 1
7 - Dog Days' 3 (Limited Complete Pressing) 4,950 4,950 12/11/21 ANX
Animation 7 1
8 - Future GPX Cyber Formula BD All Rounds Collection ~OVA Series~ 4,809 4,809 12/11/21 VAP
Animation 8 1
9 - Detective Conan: The Eleventh Striker Special Edition (Limited First Pressing) 4,619 4,619 12/11/21 SGK
Animation 9 1
10 - Saki Episode of Side A 6 4,499 4,499 12/11/21 PC
Animation 10 1
- - Guilty Crown 11 (Limited Pressing) 4,106 4,106 12/11/21 ANX
Animation 17 1
- - Humanity Has Declined Yōsei-san no, Osatokaeri 4,016 4,016 12/11/21 MQL
Animation 18 1
- - Brave Blu-ray (3-Disc/Digital Copy & e-move included) 3,425 3,425 12/11/21 WDS
Animation 19 1
- - GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class Blu-ray Box 3,160 3,160 12/11/21 MQL
Animation 20 1

Source: Oricon

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