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The Mystical Laws Film Opens in London on November 23

posted on by Andrew Osmond
Religious/SF anime will screen for a week at Odeon Panton Street near Piccadilly.

According to posters in London Underground stations, the religious anime film The Mystical Laws will screen for a week at the Odeon Panton Street cinema near Piccadilly from Friday November November 23, although the film is not listed on the cinema's website as of writing.

The release was previously announced in an email newsletter sent out by the Hyper Japan event, which attributed the news to Terracotta. When ANN contacted Terracotta, a representative explained that the company was not releasing the title, but that it had helped the film's producers release the film in the U.K. The film has an international website, although the U.K. page is said to be "coming soon."

The film's story takes place in the near future, when the newly-formed "Godom Empire" is threatening to take over the world by using advanced technology offered to them by Leika Chan, the mysterious female president of a trading company. The protagonist of the film, Sho Shishimaru, is the one man who has the "mystical technology" that can stop the Godom Empire. After being hunted down by the Empire, Sho is saved by mysterious Indians monks, who tell him about a prophecy about The Rebirth of Buddha.

The film is an adaptation of a book by Ryuho Okawa, the founder of the controversial religious organization Happy Science (Kōfuku no Kagaku). The publishing arm of the organization produced the animated film alongside a live-action film adaptation of Okawa's Final Judgement. The group has sponsored a number of animated films in the past.

The movie stars Takehito Koyasu, Ayumi Fujimura, Daisuke Hirakawa, Ryōka Yuzuki, Shinichirō Miki, Hiroshi Yanaka, Hiroshi Tsuchida, Satsuki Yukino, Banjō Ginga, Ako Mayama, Miki Itō, and Kenyū Horiuchi. Yūichi Mizusawa is providing the music.

The film's official website is streaming an English-subtitled trailer for the film.

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