Anime-On-Line To Re-launch After Deleting Customer Profiles and Outstanding Orders
posted on by Andrew Osmond
Following reports that the retail website Anime-On-Line may have had its security breached, the site has put up the following statement:
Anime-on-Line is temporarily closed while we prepare to launch our new and improved store.Dear Customer,
In the interests of improved security anime-on-line will shortly re-launch using the Card Save World Pay portal in order to attain the highest level of e-commerce security, 3D secure. Additionally we will be implementing a PayPal option.
These improvements however will mean the deletion of all established customer profiles and any outstanding orders, including part completed orders. Customers are only ever billed for goods physically shipped, so any part completed order would only have been billed for items you have received.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please take the time to re-establish your profile on the new and improved site and we hope to continue to be of service to you in the future.
Via Anime UK News