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Upotte's Summer Vacation Anime BD Promo Streamed

posted on by Ko Ransom
Cast goes to mountain camp with hot spring in Blu-ray bundled with manga

Kadokawa's official YouTube channel began streaming a promotional video for the original anime Blu-ray Disc that will come with the limited edition of Kitsune Tennōji's fourth Upotte!! manga volume.

The Blu-ray Disc will include an all-new anime episode, about 25 minutes long, that cannot be seen elsewhere. In the anime, the cast heads off to camp in the mountains during summer break. Along with fishing, cooking, and splitting watermelons, they discover a hot spring.

The manga will come with an alternate cover and an exclusive box, and is scheduled for an October 13 release. Preorders for the 4,410-yen (about US$56) volume have been extended until September 15.

The original Upotte!! manga also inspired an original net anime (ONA), which Sentai Filmworks licensed.

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