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Manga Sutra - Futari H's Katsu Launches Dandy Maniac Manga

posted on by Egan Loo
High school girl experiencing first love in story by Psychic Academy/Escaflowne manga artist

The October issue of Tokuma Shoten's Monthly Comic Ryu magazine announced on Saturday that Aki Katsu will launch a new manga series called Dandy Maniac in the next issue on September 18. The story centers around JKs (joshi kōsei or high school girls) who, upon entering their emotional teen years, have begun taking an interest in boys. So, these slightly off-kilter girls take part in their school's clubs. "Who is the boy that one of the girls has fallen for as her first love…!?"

Katsu had already revealed in July that he would start a new series in Monthly Comic Ryu in September. Tetsuya Imai (Hacks!) will also launch a manga called Alice to Zōroku (bottom right in picture) in the December issue of Monthly Comic Ryu on October 19.

Katsu has been drawing another manga, Manga Sutra (Futari H ), in Young Animal and Young Animal Arashi since 1997. The manga, which describes itself as a "love bible" or a "user's manual" for people in love, has sold 23 million copies so far, and Hakusensha published the 54th book volume this month.

Tokyopop published Katsu's The Vision of Escaflowne, Psychic Academy, and Manga Sutra in North America before closing its doors in 2011.

[Via Manga News]

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