Free Dundee Convention on Saturday
posted on by Andrew Osmond
More details of DeeCon event available.
The free convention DeeCon will take place in Dundee on Saturday April 7, at The Union on Airlie Place (map).
DeeCon will include a cosplay competition and masquerade (apply to, film screenings, guest speakers and video game tournaments (including Street Fighter X Tekken). There will also be an afterparty for over-18s, costing £4 with drinks from £1 (but see the note about ID below).
There is an events schedule here and details of the panels here.
According to the facebook page, the licensed anime screenings will include Summer Wars, Redline and episodes of the TV series Tiger & Bunny. There is also a twitter feed here.
Dee-Con added this note on its facebook page:
Anybody who plans on joining us at the epic afterparty, or planning on drinking in Air bar throughout the day, please bring some form of ID. The Union impose a strict Under-25 policy... Passports/Drivers license is preferable, but student cards with your DoB on it are accepted.