Japa-Con TV Becomes Regular Series With Khara Opening
posted on by Jennifer Sherman
The Content Business Saizensen Japa-Con TV (Content Business Frontline: Japanese Content TV) series of television specials focused on the Japanese media content business will launch as a regular series on April 6. The series combines live-action documentary sequences with animated sequences, and the fourth and final irregular episode aired in Japan on Saturday.
The series will now run as a monthly hour-long program. Episodes up to this point have been aired as 90-minute programs roughly every three months, aside from one hour-long special episode on Tokushima, Japan's Machi Asobi event. The anime Studio Khara (Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone) will be creating the show's new opening, which will accompany the first regular episode shown in April, taking the place of the current Tatsuyuki Tanaka (Genius Party Beyond's "Tojin Kit") opening.
The anime sequences of the program feature Aki Toyosaki voicing a reporter named Misaki Daiba, and are illustrated by Dai-Oki. The latest episode of the series featured segments on "local heroes" and business strategies for anime films in 2012, while other episodes have discussed topics including the Bakugan franchise, trends in visual-kei music, and anime-related events around the world.
Source: Anime! Anime!