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Kanojo wa Uso o Ai Shisugiteru Romance Manga Gets Film (Updated)

posted on by Egan Loo
Kotomi Aoki's romance between band's secret composer & high school girl

The April issue of Shogakukan's Cheese! magazine is announcing on Saturday that a film adaptation of Kotomi Aoki's Kanojo wa Uso o Ai Shisugiteru manga has been green-lit. The front cover of the magazine does not specify if the adaptation is anime or live-action.

The story centers around Aki Ogasawara, a "sound creator" who composes for the popular band Crude Play and earns over 100 million yen (about US$1.3 million) a year. Despite this, he conceals all of this and calls himself a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). Seeking a life outside of music, he begins seeing a high school girl named Riko Koeda. However, what aki does not know is that Riko is actually a huge fan of aki's music. Even with his girlfriend, aki cannot escape the world of music.

Aoki launched the manga in Cheese! magazine in 2009, and Shogakukan is publishing the manga's eighth compiled book volume this month.

Source: Amazon via Manga News

Update: More information added. The magazine announced that auditions will be held for the role of Riko. Thanks, Manga News

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