J-Music/Anime Themed Party in Manchester February 17
posted on by Andrew Osmond
Event at Retro Bar in Sackville Street.
The MegaByte group is holding a J-Music/anime themed party in Manchester on Friday February 17; its facebook page is here. The venue will be the Retro Bar on 78 Sackville Street (map), and the event will run from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. the next morning. Tickets are £3 before 11 p.m. and £4 afterwards, with a £1 discount for members of MUJS (the Manchester University Japanimation Society).
From the facebook page:
A night of dirty 8 bit music, chiptunes, video game soundtracks, nerdrave and OCRemixes with a smattering of nerdcore, geek rock and much more - all aimed squarely at the dancefloor. We're hosting a bit of a j-music/anime special event for this one. Expect themed visuals and lots more j-music and anime themes than usual from some very cool guest DJ's.
There will be J-Music guest slots for DJ Neo Kei and SK8BIT DJs and a Visual Kei / J-Rock Set from MIASMORIA. The event will also feature free retro gaming, tournaments and prizes.
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