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Boy Band-Inspired Ai wa KAT-TUN Anime Shorts, Ad Streamed

posted on by Jennifer Sherman
5 singers interact with fictional younger sister in mobile series

The mobile content developer MTI announced last Friday that it would release the Ai wa KAT-TUN (Love is KAT-TUN) mobile phone anime short inspired by the all-male musical group KAT-TUN this Friday.

In the story, animated versions of the singers Kazuya Kamenashi, Junnosuke Taguchi, Koki Tanaka, Tatsuya Ueda, and Yuichi Nakamaru appear in unintentionally romantic situations with their younger sister. Each of the mobile anime series' five 50-second episodes highlights one KAT-TUN performer.

For a limited time, the Ai wa KAT-TUN anime shorts will be available for free on Japanese mobile phones. A 31-second commercial, which includes actual photographs of the KAT-TUN members, also began airing in Japan on Friday.

Kamenashi has appeared in various live-action shows inspired by manga such as The Gokusen, Kami no Shizuku, and Humanoid Monster Bem series.

Source: PR Times

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